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 Neuron Course this year has just been announced!  

Neuron Course this year has just been announced!

What: An interactive online course about the NEURON Simulation Environment

When: Starts Thursday, June 3, 2021, and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays thereafter until Tuesday August 3.

Faculty: Ted Carnevale and Robert McDougal

Application deadline: Monday, May 31, 2021

Registration fee: None.

This course maps the first half of the NEURON Summer Course into a series of interactive online workshops about building and working with models of single neurons. It is designed for those who are planning to use NEURON in neuroscience research or teaching, or already have active projects that involve NEURON, and is suitable for users at all levels of expertise.

  • Beginners with little or no modeling experience will learn the philosophical basis, scientific rationale, and technical aspects of modeling.

  • Intermediate users will learn the best approaches to common tasks, and how to use special features of NEURON in their own work.

  • Experienced users will benefit from an update on new features and a review of important topics that may have escaped their attention when they first started using NEURON.

  • Although this course focuses on modeling individual cells, the topics it covers are the foundation for modeling networks with NEURON.

This course is not an introduction to cellular neurophysiology or Python programming. It presumes you already have a basic understanding of the anatomical and biophysical properties of neurons, and are familiar with Python. If Python is new to you, be sure to work through the Python introduction before the course starts. You might also find the Scripting NEURON basics tutorial to be helpful. If you don't know anything about biological neurons, read chapters 1, 3, 4, and 5 of Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology (ed. C. Hammond, Academic Press, 2008) or something equivalent before the course starts.

Space is limited, and applications will be considered in the order received. The application deadline is Monday, May 31, 2021. No applications will be accepted after that date.

How to apply

Submit the online application form.

Applicants will be notified of acceptance shortly after Monday, May 31.


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